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What is Hacking?

Let's first understand what is hacking.

Hacking in simple terms, it is a process of breaking into something without the permission of the real owner.

The person who does hacking is called a hacker.

How a hacker can gain access to a system:

  i)  Through Front door

 ii)  Backdoors

iii) Trojan Horse

 iv) Software vulnerability exploitation

We will go through each topic

  àFront door:

In this, the hacker will be guessing our passwords or he/she tries to crack the password using different tools and techniques.


 These are often left by developers to debug or fix any error in their software, some security measures will be there to gain administrative access to that software, but our hackers will find these backdoors in the software and they will bypass these security measures and gain access.

 There are 2 types of backdoors:

   Administrative backdoors: These are set by the developers so that they can easily reach and rectify the problems of that particular software.

   Malicious backdoors: These backdoors are usually installed by hackers, when hackers gain access to the system he/she will install some particular backdoors to that software so that they can gain access easily in the future.

àTrojan Horse:

First we will understand what this term is, during the trojan war the Greeks were trying to break into the troy city so they came across a plan, A big wooden horse was sent to the troy city inside that big wooden horse there were greek soldiers, after sending the horse to the city, in the night the greek soldiers break out from the horse and attack the troy soldiers. So here everyone thought that it was just a normal horse but inside a lot of threat was there.

Similarly, this method is used in hacking also, hackers will place malicious files inside software when you see that software it looks absolutely fine, but when you download it this malicious piece of code will take control of your system.

à Software vulnerability exploitation:

     As the term itself says that a hacker will penetrate through software,

he/she will look for vulnerabilities in that software and tries to exploit them.


What a hacker can do when he/she gains access to the systems:

    à They can modify the files

        Ex: They can change the UI of a website

    à They can steal the data

    à Install backdoors

           so that they can hack into that system once again easily

    à They can attack another system from your system

    à They will clear their tracks by modifying logs    

what are logs?

  Logs are nothing but maintaining a record of events happening to a system or network. It will have records of who has entered, with what IP address, date and time of entering, etc.

 A hacker will modify the logs when he/she gains access to the systems.

So this is some part of what is hacking and the different terminologies included in hacking we shall further discuss more and more topics related to this.


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